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Q: What is some personification from stormbreaker with page number?
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I don't think there is any personification in it. Personification is when "dead" objects are given life-like qualities, such as making the bread Peeta gave Katniss talk, or just letting it be alive. You know how mockingjays sing songs they heard or send messages? I suppose that MAY be counted, but that's it, if that even counts. I don't recall any personification in it, do you? :) Hope this helps, give me a trust point? Thanks :)

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God is the personification of love.

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A personification expression is an object personified with feelings with an expression. For example the forest welcomed me with open arms. That is a personification expression.

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Lots of Simile's and there are some examples of personification too :) Then the brown water that had puddled up all over the field began to move. It began to run toward the back portables, like someone pulled the plug out of a giant bathtub. This one had both simile and Personification. Definitions: Simile- A comparison using like or as. Personification- A non-living thing given human characteristics.

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"It burned with a rage that made it gleam if goblins were about; now it was bright as blue flame for delight in the killing of the great lord of the cave"Page 65"The next morning was a midsummer's morning...sun dancing on the water."Page 54"Boulders, too, at times came galloping down the mountainsides, let loose by midday...heads (which was alarming)."Page 55

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“Cinder’s auditory interface dulled the noise into a static thrummin, but today one melody lingered above the rest that she couldn’t drown out.” Page 9. Personification.

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dancing starwberry