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Q: What is something else that people have believed but now do not because of scientific evidence?
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What is the opposite of anecdotal evidence?

Empirical scientific evidence is the opposite of anecdotal evidence. Empirical scientific evidence is that evidence garnered through the use of strict "scientific method"; while anecdotal is usually based on opinion or personal, unprovable or unrepeatable experience. Example: UFO are believed to exist primarily because of anecdotal evidence rather than empirical evidence.

Why were the early discoveries of the scientific revolution met with such resistance?

Because they were believed to go against the church. For a society that was tied to the church in their everyday life, the scientific world was scary and something to be avoided.

What was the scientific reasoning for the witchcraft?

There was no scientific reasoning whatsoever in claims of witchcraft, because there is absolutely no scientific evidence that witchcraft exists or ever has existed.

Why isn't astrology part of science?

Because it is not scientific. There is no science behind. There is absolutely no scientific evidence in any of the things it is supposed to do.

Why do people preach evolution when it is just a theory?

Because non-scientists do not understand what a scientific theory actually means. It is not a random guess. Scientific theories are formed based on evidence and experimentation.The scientific community advocates evolution because all the evidence of life on our planet supports the theory.

Is there really a monster in the lochness?

No one actually knows because their is no scientific evidence x

Are wormholes a scientific reality or just science fiction?

A wormhole is a rift in spacetime that acts something like a tunnel where matter enters one end and is sent to the other. Because of its nature, wormholes are still just a hypothesis. There is no scientific evidence to prove they exist.

Did Ronald Reagan seek horoscopes?

Most reliable sources say it was his wife Nancy who believed in astrology and sought out horoscopes and trained astrologers. Her husband, who loved her, seemed to go along with it because it was something she strongly believed in, but there is not a lot of evidence that he was a fervent believer in astrology.

Why is there no set path that is scientific inquiry must follow?

It is because you follow wherever the evidence leads you

What is the purpose of replicating scientific experiment?

Verification. You can't consider something a "scientific discovery" just because one individual (or group) claimed something.

Scientific knowledge can withstand the test of time because?

it is open to change as new evidence or data is discovered

Was the medieval church manipulative?

No, everybody was just extremely religious, after all, without scientific evidence in those days what else could they have believed it was? People gave a percentage of their earnings and crops to the church because they believed that if you respected the house of God, you would be much more likely to go to heaven, very religious people indeed.