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Q: What is something when it has absorbed all the water it can hold?
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Aborbs excess water from chyme?

When all of the nutrients have been absorbed from the chyme, it enters the large intestine where the water is absorbed from it.

What is it called when you absorbed all the nutrients and water?


What is the large intenstine?

I was told that all the water and or nutrient was absorbed to the large intestine.

Where are nutrients absorbed in the digestive system?

AnswerSince most all nutrients that a human needs are absorbed via the digestive system. All carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are absorbed in the small intestine.AnswerThings are absorbed throughout the entire system, with the exception of the esophagus. Some glucose, for example, can be absorbed in the mouth. Water, alcohol, and some nutrients are absorbed in the stomach. Most nutrient absorption occurs in the small intestine. Water and some minerals and vitamins are absorbed in the colon. Most vitamin K is produced by bacteria in the colon and absorbed there.

What happens to white light when you are looking at a red strawberry?

White is not a color, it is all the colors. So when you look at something red, all colors but red are being absorbed and red is reflected. If it was black, then all colors would be absorbed. If it's white, then no colors are being absorbed..

What has holes all in it but it can hold water?

a sponge. :)

Why does a penny hold so much water?

A penny is a solid, flat object and does not hold much water at all.

How much water is absorbed in the skin or is it absorbed at all?

very little .. almost no. but if someone stays in water with high minarals content for long water outside can absorb water from body ... that's why our skin wrinkles

How do you put absorbed in a sentence?

Well, first of all, absorbed means to suck up - like a sponge sucks up water. So to put it in a sentence you could have:The sponge absorbed all the water on the table quickly.The child absorbed the information the teacher was giving to her. (as in processed, or understood, or listened - to take up the whole attention to it)Some synonyms for the word 'absorb' are:soak upconsumedevourengorgeengulfswallow uptake upengageengrossimmerseoccupyHope that helps!

How do the minerals are absorbed and reach to all parts of the plants?

Stem is the only one that will transport the water,food,mineral salts and sugar(food) to all parts of the plant. Because of stems,the water and mineral salts get to the leaves and other parts of a plant.

Is all radiation absorbed in the earths atmosphere is absorbed in what atmosphere?

Not all the radiation is absorbed in the earth's atmosphere called the troposphere.

Is the source of all energy in our atmosphere?

The source of all energy in our atmosphere is the sun.Some energy is reflected back into space, some is absorbed by the atmosphere, some is absorbed by land and water on Earth's surface (all of the above) When Earth receives energy from the Sun.