

What is sonoluminescence?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What is sonoluminescence?
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How is sonoluminescence connected to nuclear fusion?

a sonoluminescence has a passage

What is the explanation for sonoluminescence?

In case of sonoluminescence, you have ultrasonic sound sent to the air bubble in liquid. As liquid is very good conductor of sound, it goes to air bubble easily. Then the sound encounters the air in the bubble. Air is not good conductor of sound as compared to liquid. So the high energy ultrasound gives energy to the air molecules. Which gets ionized and get converted into oxides or ionized. The remaining 1 % of the Nobel gases can not be oxidized. As they have complete octet in there last orbit. So high energy is delivered to Nobel gases. You can have better effect of sonoluminescence in artificial bubbles with Nobel gas. They loose electron from there outer orbit. The ionized atoms repel each other due to positive charge. So the size of the bubble increases. (As Nobel gases have highest energy of ionization, they can emit highest energy.) Then as energy is released in 'quanta' in the form of light. (Here energy is released in the form of electromagnetic waves. But you can 'see' light only.) As energy is released from the atoms of Nobel gases, electrons re-enter there outer orbit. As a result of this re-entry of electrons, positive charge on the atoms of Nobel gases disappears. They no longer repel each other and the bubble shrinks back. This process can be repeated any number of times. This is purely physical phenomena, probably explained.

What is the difference between a phosphorescent source and a fluorescent source?

phosphorescent is glowing in the dark;reusing old light it has stored, like a glow in the dark keychain fluorescent is something that glows when energy is applied to it, such as the fluorescent lightbulb As the name implies, phosphorescent comes from the element phosphorus. Many other substances which are not phosphorus can fluoresce at certain wavelengths of light. I agree phosphorous like sea waves sometomes.

What are the Largest sources of energy on earth?

Answer is solid fuel( anthracite , bituminous , lignite , peat) liquid , gaseous fuels such as petroleum , natural gas,water power , energy of nuclear fission -------------------------------------------------------- All the energy (apart from nuclear energy and geothermal energy) comes from or came from the Sun.

What are some light sources?

(Includes answer to the question "Name ten sources of (visible) light") All light originates in the emission of photons from electronic or nuclear processes, however those processes come in a variety of flavors, such as: 1. Thermal emission, consisting of "black body" radiation from hot objects such as incandescent light bulb filaments, and many other examples. 2. Molecular emission, such as that from hot gases in the flame of an oxyacetylene torch. 3. Phosphorescence, the delayed emission of light from a material after it has been stimulated, such as from the screen of a CRT tube after it is bombarded by electrons. 4. Fluorescence, the direct emission of light by some substances when they are stimulated by electrons or electric currents, such as an ordinary fluorescent light bulb. 5. Bioluminescence, such as the light emitted by Fireflies by means of chemical processes. Other examples include certain worms and fish. 6. Chemiluminescence, light emitted in chemical reactions other than in living things. 7. Sonoluminescence, light emission by the collapse of tiny bubbles in a fluid stimulated by sound waves. 8. Cerenkov or Cerenkov radiation, which is emitted when particles move faster than the speed of light through a medium (not faster than the speed of light in a vacuum). 9. Spontaneous emission, such as in a Light Emitting Diode (solid state) or Neon Bulb (Gaseous state) when stimulated by an electric current. 10. Stimulated emission, such as a laser. 11. Scintillation, a variation of fluorescence in which, for example, some substances emit light when struck by a subatomic particle. 12. Cyclotron radiation, which occurs when electrons are decelerated, whether in a straight line or by curving, as in a Cyclotron. (Partially adapted from the entry on "Light" on Wikipedia.)

What are the main uses of the ultrasound machines?

A technology well-known in the medical fields, ultrasound technology has a wide variety of applications and is used in countless industries. === === Ultrasound uses echoes of sound waves to construct a three dimensional image of the inside of the body, most commonly recognized with pregnancy and the viewing of a developing fetus. Ultrasound is also used for: * detecting pelvic abnormalities * treating benign and malignant tumors and other disorders * cleaning teeth in dental hygiene * treating cataracts * continuous ultrasonic sound waves are used by physiotherapists for treating deep soft tissue injuries - promoting healing (loosens scar tissue) and helping to relieve pain by heating the tissue * pulse ultrasonic sound waves are used in cases where the heating of the tissues is undesireable * phonophoresis is a process where ultrasound is used for pushing anti-inflammatory drugs into the body * lithotripsy is the process of breaking up kidney stones with sound waves In addition, ultrasound is also being used as a replacement for traditional thermal and mechanical manufacturing processes and techniques and as a non-destructive method for finding flaws in metals, plastic and other materials; measuring the thickness of objects; and heat transferring in liquids. Ultrasonic cleaning is also used by jewelers for cleaning fine jewelry. There are also several applications currently being tested. Ultrasonic weapons are currently in development where a focused beam of sound is used to injure or incapacitate. Sonoluminescence is another use being investigated for nuclear fusion. Researchers recently employed ultrasound in dry corn milling plant to enhance ethanol production. Ultrasonics are also used in humidifiers, nebulizing the water to produce a fine mist that helps some people breathe.

Are dolphins smarter than humans?

Dolphin brains and Human brains are similar in size,but somewhat different in structure. Human brains appear to be composed of two mirror-symmetric dissimilar hemispheres. Dolphin brains appear to be composed of two similar sub-brains, each of which has two hemispheres, so Dolphins might be said to have 4-lobed brains that might be used to experience Many-Worlds.Dolphins may need to have 2 brains because the maximum size for a single brain may be about 10^11 neurons, the size of the brain of single-brained humans.According to Carol J. Howard, author of Dolphin Chronicles (Bantam 1996), each of the two Dolphin sub-brains has an independent blood supply. Dolphins never sleep with both brains at once. One brain sleeps while the other brain stay awake (perhaps so that the Dolphins can breathe while asleep). Dolphin sleep appears to be different from Human sleep in another way: the brain waves of sleeping Dolphins have no state that corresponds to the rapid eye-movementneocortex is slightly smaller than the mass of the Human neocortex. Dolphin brain cells are more uniform and less specialized than Human brain cells Dolphins are born with about 40 percent of their brain mass, and reach full brain development in about 10 years, while Humans are born with about 25 percent of their brain mass, and reach full brain development in about 18 years. The two eyes of the Dolphin are each connected to one of the two sub-brains. The Dolphin brain area for visual imaging is only about one-tenth that of the Human brain, while the Dolphin brain area for acoustical imaging is about 10 times that of the Human brain. Dolphins not only have two sub-brains, but they also have two sets of sound-pruducing organs, including two "tongues" on each side of their blow-hole.Dolphin blow hole is the melon, a lens of fatty tissue corresponding to the Human upper lip. The melon may act as a lens to focus sound, or to send or receive ultra low frequency sound waves. REM sleep of dreaming Humans. Dolphin brains are more convoluted than Human brains, but the cortex of Dolphin brains is thinner than the Human cortex, so that the total mass of the Dolphin Therefore, Dolphins can produce two independent sounds, from their right and left sides. They can use interference to focus sounds and to produce harmonic interference effects. Two Dolphins speaking can sound like four. In front of theAccording to a 1 February 2001 article in the Electronic London Telegraph by Robert Uhlig: "... New Scientist reports ... Dolphins use sound booms and clicks to stun and kill their prey ... In one study Ken Marten of Earthtrust, a conservation group in Hawaii, recorded a dolphin emitting a sequence of low-frequency "bangs" while pursuing a fish. ... Denise Herzing, of Florida Atlantic University, recorded wild Atlantic spotted dolphins emitting a medium-frequency buzz while searching for prey on the seabed. She said buried eels jumped out of the sand, and either stopped or moved sluggishly as if stunned, giving the dolphin time to catch them. ...". Dolphins can create air bubble rings and helices in water. The ring looks like a Ring Singularity within a Compton Radius Vortex. Dolphins may be able to use focussed sound to produce cavitation. Cavitation in water could produce sonoluminescence which can produce cold fusion and thus oceanic nuclear energy. Cavitation in biological tissue could produce sono-chemistry, sonochemical changes at cellular boundaries in living tissue, that may explain some chemical and electrical changes that have been observed in Human brains after contact with Dolphins. AquaThought Foundation and David Cole have found that after Humans been in contact with Dolphins, the dominant Human brain frequency drops from beta to alpha, closer to the frequency of the Schumann resonanaces of Earth, and the hemispheres of the Human brain become synchronized, in that brainwaves of the left and right hemispheres are in phase and of similar frequency.Dolphin and Human Brains may contain BioMagnetite that could give them an electromagnetic sense that could provide a link between Brains and many types of electromagnetic phenomena, including but not limited to Schumann Resonance Phenomena.John Lilly has experimented with Dolphin-Human interactions, with some interesting results. He reports that when he was in a water tank and some Dolphins were in another tank only connected by sound speakers, the Dolphins surrounded him with a sonic space, and then produced a trill that systematically resonated with different parts of his body from head to toe.That supports the idea that Dolphins may see things by ultrasound sonar imaging. As with Human medical sonograms, Dolphin sonar vision may be able to see interior organs and structures. It may even be that Dolphins could hear a snowflake landing on the ocean surface.John Lilly also reported that on one occation he mentally asked questions of Dolphins, who appeared to him to respond by linking him with a dolphin group-mind, which, in turn, linked him to a larger Cetacean group-mind.In assessing the reports of John Lilly, it should be noted that in such experiments he sometimes used mind-altering drugs, but that does not necessarily invalidate his interesting results and ideas about Dolphin consciousness.The larger Dolphins have larger brains than Humans, but Dolphins, up to and including Killer Whales Orcinus orca, and Humans all have brain/body mass ratios lying near a straight line on a log/log plot. The Killer Whale brain size is close to the maximum size for all Earth Mammals, no matter what their body size.Human visual sense is passive.Dolphin sonar sense is active.Perhaps Dolphins are better than Humans at actively interacting with the spaces beyond our immediately perceived physical universe. Dolphins may be mental/spiritual beings, with each sub-brain acting as a quantum computer, and both of them together interacting, through interference, to give a perspective Dolphin vision of the Many-Worlds, by acting like a device designed by Andrew Gray.