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Q: What is spongy mesophyl?
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What is the middle layer of a leaf?

The spongy mesophyll and pallisade mosophyl layers form the middle layers of the leaf. The pallisade mesophyl contains many tightly packed cells which do photosynthesis. The spongy mesophyl contains mainly hollow space, allowing for gas exchange.

Which type of mesophyll can produce more starch?

mesophyl starch

Why are spongy bones spongy?

Spongy bones are not literally spongy. These bones are just extremely porous giving the appearance of looking like spongy material.

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Why is the spongy bone so spongy?

because it is

What bone is full of holes?

Spongy Bone.

What is the palisade tissue made of?

Palisade most likely is refering to the Palisade Mesophyl, which is a tissue layer within a leaf, it sits below the epidermis layer (which is the outermost layer on top of a broad leaf) and contains chloroplasts. Below it is the Spongy mesophyl. Its called Pallisade because when viewed in cross-section, the cells line up next to each other to look like a Palisade fence.

Where is the spongy layer located?

they are exactly spongy bones but spongy bone cells wich are located in long bones.

Is the spongy bone strong?

The spongy bone is strong but lightweight.

Are bones lightweight because of spongy or compact bone?


What lines the holes of spongy bones?

Endosteum tissue lines the openings in spongy bone.

What causes ABS brakes to be spongy?

ABS brakes are not spongy. If you have spongy brakes the reason is that there is air in the system. You need to have your brakes bled.