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Q: What is st.joseph connection to the lord?
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What is Saint Joseph's connection to the Lord?

St. Joseph was the foster father of Jesus.

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No they did not jerk

What was the connection of lords vassals and knights?

If a lord acted in the service of a king, the lord was considered a vassal of the king. ...Military men, or knights, began to receive land, along with peasants for farmwork. ...Alord also enjoyed incidental benefits and rights in connection with a fief.

Why was lord chamberlains a significant group?

The Lord Chamberlain's Men were the acting company which William Shakespeare belonged to. He performed with them, and his plays were the property of the company. The connection of the company with Shakespeare is what makes it significant.

What is the meaning of the poem In the Garden of the Lord by Helen Keller?

The poem "In the Garden of the Lord" by Helen Keller reflects on the beauty and harmony found in nature, and the connection between the natural world and the divine. Keller expresses a sense of serenity and gratitude for the wonders of creation, emphasizing a spiritual connection with the garden as a symbol of life and renewal.

What time period did The Lord of the Rings occur?

The end of the Third Age of Middle Earth. It is fictional, so there is no connection with real time.

Where did poet Raskhan die?

Poet Raskhan is believed to have died in Vrindavan, India, which is a sacred town associated with Lord Krishna. He spent much of his life in devotion to Lord Krishna and his poetry reflects his deep spiritual connection.

What is the connection between Ganesha and shiva?

Godess Gowri is the mother of Lord Ganesha!

What is traditional computing?

The traditional computer is a Desktop PC, with a monitor, keyboard and mouse. Also, some sort of internet connection.