

What is steels thermal conductivity?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: What is steels thermal conductivity?
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What metal conducts heat faster stainless steel or aluminum?

Aluminum. It has a higher value for thermal conductivity than stainless steels.

Which metal can oppose the temperature?

I do not really understand your question. What do you mean by "oppose the temperature"?If you mean insulate or have a low coefficient of thermal conductivity then there are several alloys which conduct heat less than most other metals. Some stainless steels for example have relatively low thermal conductivity.

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The thermal conductivity of boron is 27.4

Is thermal conductivity a chemical or a physical?

Thermal conductivity is a Physical property

What is thermal and electrical conductiuity?

Thermal conductivity refers to the conductivity that is associated with heat. Electrical conductivity refers to the conductivity that is associated with electricity.

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Osmium thermal conductivity is 87,4 W/m.K.

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The thermal conductivity of a perfect conductor is 1

Is thermal conductivity physical or chemical property?

Thermal conductivity is a Physical property

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The thermal conductivity of californium is 1 W/m.K.

What Is a material that allows heat to flow through it easily?

Thermal conductors let heat move through them. Metals are part of this group.

Do elements that have high electric conductivity also have high thermal conductivity?

Usually it is, but exceptional case is of Graphite which has low thermal conductivity.

What is used to describe how well various substances conduct thermal energy?

thermal conductivity The term for how substances conduct thermal energy is thermal conductivity.