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Mortar, using a pestle to grind the grains to flour.

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Q: What is stone bowl used to make flour?
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What is a stone bowl used to make flour called?

If you are refering to the stone bowls used to hold the wheat to be ground into flour it's called a mortar the items to grind the wheat is called a pestle.

What were quern stones used for?

a quern stone is used to grind corn to make flour

What is use of bowl?

it is used when your mixing something, for example when your mixing flour

What nuts were used by Native Americans to make flour?

Its name Pecan. This nut requiring a stone to crack.

What material was used to make flour sacks?

Cotton was used to make flour sacks.

What is meaning of flour sifter?

A flour sifter is an item that is used to remove clumps and debris from flour. It is also used to make the flour a lighter consistancy. They look like a mesh metal net usually contained in a circular frame.

What is the difference between an ingredient and an object?

An ingredient is a substance that is used to make something else and is often transformed in the process. An object is something which keeps it's identity even if it's being used to make something else. For example: flour is an ingredient in bread. By the time the bread is made, the flour is transformed. The mixing bowl is an object that can be used in the process, but it remains a mixing bowl even after the bread is made.

Can flowers be used to make flour of any kind and could the flour from the flower be used for cooking?

No. Flour is made from grain.

What is a motor and pestle used for?

A motor and pestle is a bowl with a stone used to grind herbs or spices


they worked as millers to make flour and used the flour to make bread to feed their families.

What do windmills do to make bread?

Windmills grind grain such as wheat into flour, the flour is used by a bakery to make bread.

What flour is used to make bread and why?

Strong flour is used for bread making to create a frame and not let it collapse.