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The spongy bone which is the soft inner layer that has little holes and looks like a spongy hence the term spongy bone then the outer layer that everyone sees is the compact bone but the spongy bone is the most important because it cushions the bones when it gets squished and then it wont break

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Q: What is stored in bone other than bone marrow?
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What mineral is found in bone other than calcium?

Marrow. Bones contain marrow. Marrow is the very Core of our bones.

What do red bone marrow and yellow bone marrow have in common?

the red bone marrow produces red and white cells and platelets, while they are found in more children than in adults. The yellow bone marrow consist of fats.

What kind of bone has many open spaces and contains marrow?

Cancellous bone, or spongy bone, has many open spaces and contains marrow. It is softer and weaker than compact bone.

How much does a bone marrow biopsy cost here in the Philippines?

The cost of a bone marrow biopsy in the United States is $360. The Philippines offer bone marrow biopsies for 50% less than those done in the United States.

Where are hematopoietic stem cells other than the umbilical cord?

There are two other sources of hematopoietic stem cells--bone marrow and peripheral blood

Which form of anemia is characterized by red blood cells being destroyed faster than the bone marrow can replace them?

In hemolytic anemia, the red blood cells are destroyed faster than the bone marrow replaces them.

Why is bone marrow primarily red in infants?

Infants grow relatively fast and need quite a lot of red blood cells, which are only produced in red bone marrow. As the infants grow older, much of the red bone marrow is gradually replaced by yellow bone marrow containing a special kind of fat that gives it its yellowish color. If the body needs more red blood cells than the remaining red marrow is capable of producing, some of the yellow marrow changes to red marrow.

What is involved in donating bone marrow and what are the odds of a match?

Their are many things that are involved in donating bone marrow. Some things that are involved are money, blood and many more. The odds of a match are less than 25 %.

In adults why is bone marrow for biopsy taken from the sternum iliac crest or spinous processes of the vertebrae rather than other sites?

Where illness is first found

What organs play an important role in immunity?

White blood cells are made in the bone marrow, which is a tissue rather than an organ. Some of the cells mature in the lymph nodes, spleen or thymus.

Some Facts About Bone Marrow Transplant?

A bone marrow transplant is the transplant of marrow cells and blood from a healthy person to a person who is in need of marrow and blood cells. The healthy blood and marrow replace the diseased cells of the sick person. The marrow cells are stem cells, which means they can develop into red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.Who Needs a Bone Marrow Transplant?People who have blood cancers like leukemia may need bone marrow transplants. Leukemia is a malignant overgrowth of white blood cells in the bone marrow, the lymph glands, the spleen, the liver or other organs that are part of the lymphatic system. Other candidates for the transplant are:People whose suffer from thalassemias, where the red blood cells contain less hemoglobin than normal.People who suffer from aplastic anemia, where the bone marrow doesn't produce enough blood cells.People who suffer from sickle cell anemia, where the red blood cells are deformed and can't carry hemoglobin properly. Sickle cell anemia causes episodes of extreme pain and chronic poor health and can be life threatening.Sometimes radiation and chemotherapy can damage bone marrow to the point where it can't produce blood cells, so a bone marrow transplant is needed.Who Gives a Bone Marrow Transplant?The patient can give a bone marrow transplant to themselves. If the patient was healthy and had to have treatment where the destruction of their bone marrow was a possibility, they can have their bone marrow stem cells stored.Other bone marrow transplants come from a donor. The problem here is that the donor's stem cells have to match the patient's very closely. Sometimes, even a brother, sister or parent isn't a match for the patient and there might be a wait till a donor is found.Sometimes the donor cells come from umbilical cord blood.How Is Bone Marrow Collected?Nowadays, doctors rarely perform the painful procedure where marrow is taken out of the donor's hip, but in most cases a needle withdraws blood from the donor's arm. The stem cells are removed from the blood and what's left of the donor's blood is returned to them.

Are the outer layer of a bone a very thick layer?

That is correct. The exterior of any large bone is harder than the interior marrow.