

What is string variables?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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A string variable is a programming language construct that holds text. For example, the text "The sky is blue" could be stored to a string variable, then later in the program, that text could be displayed.

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Willy Quitzon

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Q: What is string variables?
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How can you check if a variable is a string or an integer in PHP?

Integers - The "is_int()" function can be used to check if a variable is has an integer for its value. ---- is_int($variable); // Returns true if $variable is an integer - otherwise false ---- Numeric Strings - Numeric strings are strings with numbers (or things that count as numbers) in them. Numeric-string variables are not integer variables. Numeric-string variables are passed on through forms, instead of integer variables - if you were wondering. Check form values using string formats, and not integer formats. The "is_numeric()" function can be used to check if a variable is a string with numbers - and only numbers - in it (except things that add up to be numbers). ---- is_numeric($variable); // Returns true if $variable is a string, and only contains numbers (broadly speaking) - false otherwise ---- Strings - String values are just text, basically. String variables can contain integers, but that does not make it an integer-type variable - it makes it a numeric string variable. The "is_string" function can be used to check if a variable contains the value of a string. ---- is_string($variable); // Returns true if $variable is a string - false otherwise

What is memory variables?

Hard to tell, variables usually are in the memory... be more specific.

What is the text move function in PHP?

"Text move" isn't very clear. If you want to assign strings to different variables, use the assignment operator: <?php $old_var = 'blah'; $new_var = $old_var; echo $new_var; // Displays "blah" ?> If you want to work with a certain part of a string, use substr(): <?php $part_of_string = substr($string, $start, $length); // $start should be an integer, indicating which character to start obtaining the string at // $length should be an integer, indicating how many characters you want to obtain. echo = substr('somesimplestring', 5, 6); // Displays "simple" ?>

What is the longest string of prime factors for 30?

the longest string of prime factor for 30 is 2 x 3 x 5

What is the math term for a number a variable or a product of numbers and variables?

Term- a number, a variable, or a product of numbers and variables.

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Does HTML allow you to declare integer real string and boolean variables?

HTML is not a programming language and as such does not allow you to declare variables.

How are string variables stored?

Typically as null-terminated character arrays. However, some languages use the first element of the array to store the length of the string rather than a null-terminator to mark the end of the string.

How can you check if a variable is a string or an integer in PHP?

Integers - The "is_int()" function can be used to check if a variable is has an integer for its value. ---- is_int($variable); // Returns true if $variable is an integer - otherwise false ---- Numeric Strings - Numeric strings are strings with numbers (or things that count as numbers) in them. Numeric-string variables are not integer variables. Numeric-string variables are passed on through forms, instead of integer variables - if you were wondering. Check form values using string formats, and not integer formats. The "is_numeric()" function can be used to check if a variable is a string with numbers - and only numbers - in it (except things that add up to be numbers). ---- is_numeric($variable); // Returns true if $variable is a string, and only contains numbers (broadly speaking) - false otherwise ---- Strings - String values are just text, basically. String variables can contain integers, but that does not make it an integer-type variable - it makes it a numeric string variable. The "is_string" function can be used to check if a variable contains the value of a string. ---- is_string($variable); // Returns true if $variable is a string - false otherwise

What is the width of a car door?

To many variables. That is like asking how long is a piece of string.

Can you store non primitive data type in the array list?

Yes you can store non primitive data type variables in an array. String is a non primitive data type. You can declare a string array as: String a[]=new String[10];

What is the temp of freshwater?

How long is a piece of string, there are way to many variables and depends what you mean by fresh...

What is the difference between numeric and string variables?

Numeric variables store numbers for doing mathematics, counting etc.. String variables store printable sets of characters that can be read by humans in what ever language. int i=3; /* a numeric variable in c */ char *hello = "Hello world, Im 3 years old" /* string that contains a number */ Computer languages generally provide many different ways to transform one into the other.

Why you write a string with S capital?

A String in Java is an object, just like an Integer, which means creating them calls their class file, which has to be capitalized. Variables like int and float are primitive variables, meaning an object isn't created to hold them, so they aren't capitalized.

What is a variable in QBASIC?

Variables in Qbasic are divided into two groups. There are numerical variables and string variables. This is how you would use a numerical variable: CLS INPUT "Enter your first number"; num1 INPUT "Enter your second number"; num2 num3 = num1 * num2 CLS PRINT "The product of the two numbers is"; num3 END This example just has the user input 2 variables (num1 and num2) and store them as numerical variables. Num3 is defined by multiplying the two user-imputed variables. The text displayed with PRINT contains normal text with a semi colon to display the result. This is a string variable example: CLS INPUT "What is my name?"; name$ PRINT "Hi I'm"; name$ END Instead of inputting just the variable name, you add a dollar sign to signify that it's a string variable. String variables contain letters rather than numbers. For string variables, you simply put the $ after the variable name every time it's used. Other than that, it's much like a numerical variable. That's a basic outline of how the variables work. Manipulating the string variables is a different story.

What is the simularities of parameter and arguments?

Arguments are fields that are given to a method when it is called, while parameters are the name for the received variables. For example:public static void main(String[] args){int arg1 = 0;boolean arg2 = false;String arg3 = "Some string";function_a(arg1, arg2, arg3);// These variables are called arguments because they are being passed// to the function.}public static void function_a(int par1, boolean par2, String par3){// These variables are called parameters because they are being received// when the function is called.}I hope this helps.

Do you have pointer concept in c plus plus language?

Yes. All string variables are pointers as are other arrays.