

What is stronger an ox or an elephant?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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AnswersA black bear is slightly stronger



Brown bear

Polar bear

Grizzly bear





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12y ago
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9y ago

Honestly, from my perception, I'd say that an African elephant, if it was built for bench-pressing, could bench over 4000lbs.

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12y ago

Elephants are the strongest and largest land animals that weigh tons of pounds, while a tiger weighs only hundreds.

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14y ago

Oxes can haul things elephants can carry around 4 kids and weigh 25 tons oxes i think round 18 tons u think

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13y ago

If insects are animals, then the Hercules Beetle is probably stronger than anything. It weighs only 1/2 an ounce, and yet can hold up to 37 pounds. Wow!

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9y ago

Elephants are very strong. In Asia they are often used to haul cut trees out of the forest.

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12y ago

Nothing's stronger than an elephant.

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3y ago

humans a few times because we eat them

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