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The survival rate for everyone is, eventually, zero. A 90-year-old with congestive heart failure is not on the good side of that particular curve for at least two separate reasons.

It's probably best to just accept whatever figure your physicians are giving you, since they have far more specific knowledge about your particular case than we could possibly have.

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Q: What is survival rate for 90 yr old with congestive heart failure?
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What is considered a low heart rate for a congestive heart failure patient?

while 60 is concidered the normal lower limits, the heart rate is not seen as to low until it causes a drop in blood presure that produces a negative affect in the person .

What pulse to take when giving digoxin?

When taking digoxin, you should look for an abnormal heart beat. Digoxin is used for mild to moderate congestive heart failure and for treating an abnormal heart rhythm called atrial fibrillation.

What is the ICD-9 code for Congestive Heart Failure?

The ICD-9 code for left ventricular dysfunction is 429.9. Left ventricular dysfunction can lead to heart failure. Some signs include increased rate of breathing and increased work of breathing. You may hear wheezing also.

Living With Congestive Heart Disease?

Congestive heart disease is a condition in which an individual's body becomes congested with fluids because the heart is unable to pump enough nutrients and oxygen to meet the needs of the kidneys and other vital organs. With congestive heart disease, an individual's heart becomes either too enlarged or too stiff to be able to pump blood efficiently throughout the body. This causes blood to move through the body at a slower rate. Over time, the slower blood flow causes the kidneys to malfunction and start retaining water and sodium. The fluid builds up in areas such as the ankles, feet, legs and lungs and eventually causes the body to become congested. Congestive heart disease is often also referred to as congestive heart failure (CHF).Causes of congestive heart failureCongestive heart disease is often caused by a narrowing of the coronary arteries as the result of a build-up of plaque and other fatty materials on the walls of the coronary arteries. Heart failure and heart disease can also result from a heart attack that damages all or part of an individual's heart muscle. In addition, conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease and thyroid disease can also cause heart muscles to get damaged and lead to heart disease.Symptoms of heart diseasePeople with congestive heart disease sometimes have no obvious symptoms of the problem. In most cases though, the disease manifests itself in some way or the other. One common symptom of congestive heart failure is shortness of breath, wheezing and difficulty breathing because of fluid build-up in the lungs. Swollen ankles, swollen feet and a bloated abdomen are also common signs of congestive heart failure. Other symptoms include irregular and rapid heart beats, constant fatigue and weakness, nausea and loss of appetite.Treating congestive heart diseaseCongestive heart disease cannot be reversed. However, it can be managed and treated with medication. Some commonly used medications to treat congestive heart disease include ACE inhibitors for controlling hypertension, beta blockers for regulating blood pressure and oxygen use, diuretics to protect against fluid retention and nitroglycerin-based tables for treating chest pain. Regular exercise and a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables and low in meat and sodium, can go a long way in mitigating the symptoms of heart failure. Lifestyle changes that help individuals reduce stress and lose weight are also very beneficial in treating the symptoms of congestive heart disease.

What happen to the death rate from heart failure between 1972 and 2002?

The rate more than doubled.

Does red wine raise heart rate?

Since red wind contains a fair amount of ethanol - which is a Central Nervous System depressant - you would expect it to lower your heart rate.. However moderate to heavy drinking can damage the heart over time. It can cause abnormalities including high blood pressure, an enlarged and weakened heart, congestive heart failure and raise levels of triglycerides, further stressing the muscle. An increased heart rate is one symptom of these conditions.

What is the mortality rate at Brookdale Hospital?

There are various figures for the mortality rate at Brookdale Hospital. The mortality rate for heart attacks at the hospital are 18.1%. The mortality rate for heart failure is 10.1%. The mortality rate for pneumonia is 9.4%.

What are the survival rates for lung transplantations?

The survival rate at one year after transplant was 77% for lung transplants and 64% for heart-lung transplants

What is the survival rate of children born with holoproscephaly?

Holoprosencephaly is a condition whereby there is failure of the forebrain to divide into hemispheres. The prognosis is not favorable.

What is the advantage and disadvantage of increased pulse rate?

If you have an increased pulse rate it means that you are exercising you heart more often meaning that you have a chance of living longer because your heart is stronger but if you over work your heart then you will risk heart failure (if you have a weak heart)!

Instructions to the patient and the family regarding treatment of the condition of Congestive Heart Failure?

If you have been diagnosed with congestive heart failure, treating this can weaken the symptoms related to condition and help your heart function more efficiently as well. Some physicians focus on solving the underlying cause of the problem by opening blocked arteries, controlling a rapid heartbeat, or even replacing or repairing diseased heart valves.Related illnessesAt times, cardiologists also treat various conditions that may cause a patient's congestive heart failure to become worse, including thyroid problems, and anemia. Depending on their condition and prognosis, these are the methods most commonly used in treating congestive heart failure:Surgery may include heart valve replacement or repair, coronary bypass surgery, a heart transplant or myectomy, in which a portion of the septal muscle is removed to decrease the amount of blockage the patient is experiencing.Recommended medical devices in treating this condition include the ventricular assist device (VAD), cardiac pacemaker or internal cardiac defibrillator, which is used to shock the patient's heart into pumping more slowly and beating more effectively.Many medications are used in treating congestive heart failure to relieve patients' symptoms and increase their survival rate. Some are prescribed to prevent blocked arteries and improve circulation, lower blood pressure or prevent the formation of blood clots.HospitalizationAt times, congestive heart failure becomes so severe that the patient most be hospitalized and monitored for a short time. When that happens, they may be given new medication to relieve their symptoms and help their heart pump more efficiently. Supplemental oxygen my also be required as part of their treatment, sometimes indefinitely.Lifestyle changesCertain adjustments can often relieve the patient's symptoms and keep the condition from worsening. The steps they are advised to take include limiting or reducing their consumption of alcohol and caffeine, regular exercise (preferably in cardiac rehabilitation program), eating a low-sodium, low-fat diet, controlling their weight, quitting smoking and keeping stress at a minimum.Patients should also consult with their doctor before taking any medication. For example, common over-the-counter arthritis medicines, including ibuprofen and naproxen, may cause the patient to retain fluid. That, combined with gaining weight, may mean that their heart condition is not being controlled properly.