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Q: What is suspended drops of liquid water?
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What are clouds like?

A cloud is made up of liquid drops or crystals of frozen water suspended in the atmosphere

What are the form of liquid in the sky?

Water appears in the liquid state in the atmosphere in the form of clouds, fog and mist. These consist of millions of tiny drops of liquid water suspended in the air currents. If these collect together as bigger drops they can fall as rain.

What is a water drops suspended in air called?


Rain is drops of liquid what?

Rain is drops of water.

What is it called when millions of drops of water suspended in the sky?


What millions of drops of water suspended in the sky?

Clouf formation

What happens when millions of drops water are suspended in the sky?

Cloud Formation.

What state of matter is water drops?


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transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid i like boobs transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid transfers small drops of liquid

The process by which water turn into liquid water drops known as what?


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