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Swifty's Druids name is "ragusalsa"

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Q: What is swiftys druid name on darkspear in wow?
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You have to either be a druid or have a druid in your party. The druid either has to have the quest for their epic flying form or has already done the quest to summon the boss who has a chance to drop this mount. You go into Sethekk Halls on heroic mode have the druid summon the boss so you can kill it for the chance to drop the mount.

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Insect swarm is a druid spell that is learned through talents. It is in the Balance tree. Once you learn rank one, then the druid trainers will teach you the rest of the ranks when you reach the appropriate levels.

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a druid is probly the hardest class to kill in the game, because they can shape shift out of slowing effects, they have a faster movement speed then regular characters, and they can heal themselves. any class can own another, you just need to have skill. I know alot of people say that WoW requires no skill, but it really does. skill is what will own a druid.

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You have to be a druid, although there are things in the game that can switch your form such as an orb from a dungeon, pygmy oil, costume wands, quests etc.

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Yes. Neither is better .. they're just different in playing style. The hunter doe one thing really well: pump out DPS. A druid can play any of 3 roles: Tank, Healer, and DPS. If you are inexperienced in WoW, go with a hunter first to learn the mechanics of the game. then the druid.

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