

What is terminal friction?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What is terminal friction?
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Is terminal velocity a type of friction?

No. Terminal velocity is a particular kind of velocity and friction is a particular kind of force. The terminal velocity of a falling object is the maximum velocity it can have because air resistance prevents it from going any faster. And air resistance is a type of friction. So terminal velocity is due to a type of friction.

What does friction have to do with skydiving?

It determines your terminal velocity, depending on your drag coefficient.

What is maximum friction?

the terminal amount of friction possibly produced between two interacting inanimate objects. this is where we get brake horsepower from.

What two Forces Have to Be equally strong in order for a falling object to reach terminal velocity?

Gravitational force and the force of friction (the friction of the object and the air).

What is the difference between terminal speed and terminal velocity?

The difference between terminal speed and terminal velocity is really simple. Terminal speed can be used to refer to the maximum speed an object can reach before factors like friction prevent anymore speed to be gained. Terminal velocity, however, generally refers to the rate at which this speed was gained.

Why can friction make observing newton's first law of motion terminal velocity?

This question does not make sense

Is it true when air friction and gravity balanced each other the object reaches terminal velocity?


When falling objects no longer accelerate?

A falling object no longer accelerates, due to friction in the atmosphere, when the friction buildup equals gravity's acceleration. This is called it's terminal velocity.

Is friction and upthrust are equal to thrust the cyclist moving at the terminal velocity?

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When equals the force of gravity on a falling object the object reaches terminal velocity.?

When THE FRICTION BETWEEN THE OBJECT AND THE ATMOSPHEREequals the force of gravity on a falling object the object reaches terminal velocity.

What is the net force on an objecting falling at terminal velocity?

"Terminal velocity" means the object no longer accelerates - forces are in equilibrium. Therefore, the net force is zero - gravitation is exactly offset by friction.

What is the terminal velocity of gravity?

gravity is a force that defines terminal velocity, along with friction and others..objects can only fall so fast due to friction..on earth gravity pulls at 9.8m/s2 while at the event horizon of a black hole gravity pulls faster then the speed of light, which is why light cannot escape it