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Q: What is th 92nd element in the periodic table?
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What does Th mean in the periodic table?

Th is element number 90 on the periodic table It is thorium, it is in the Actinides, and it is radioactive

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Krypton is the 36 th element in the periodic table. It is a noble gas belonging to 4th period of the periodic table.

What is element Th?

Thallium Wrong, check the periodic table, it's "Thorium" number 90 on the table

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Element 95 is americium.

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mercury, mercury is the 80 th element on the periodic table.

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Sulphur is the element which is non metallic and has 32 as its atomic mass. It is placed in group-16 of the periodic table.

What symbol does TH stand for on the periodic table?

ewan q . pota

What does th element symbol on the periodic table indicate?

Th symbol is used for Thorium element.It has atomic number 90.It is a radioactive actinide metal.

Is there a element tn in the periodic table?

There is no element with the symbol "tn" in the periodic table. The periodic table consists of 118 known elements, each with its own unique symbol.

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After Caesium atomic number 55 is barium 56 in the six th period.

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Lithium, (Li) element three and the least reactive of the alkali metals group.

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Any element in the same group as fluorine (F, Cl, Br, I)