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Q: What is th process by which water in a fish tank disappear over time?
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What happens to water as it evaporates over time?

By evaporation water from a container disappear.

What water balance problem to salt ocean fish face?

Lets See If This Answers Your Question... Fresh Water Fish have A Liver That Can Process All Kinds of Stuff From Fresh Water. Wether It Be Dirty Water, Clean Water, or Sometimes Even Slightily Toxic Water... But The Transition To Fresh To Salt Lies In The Very Word Itself, SALT WATER... The Liver of A Normal Fresh Water Fish Can Only Handle Bits of Amount of Salt, But The Water In The Ocean Is So Strong That The Liver of A Fresh Water Fish Just Over Loads and Shuts Down Killing The Fish... Thats Why Salt Water Fish Have Evolved Their Livers To With Stand Lethal Amounts of Salt In The Water... The Same With Salt Water Fish, They Can Not Process Fresh Water Because their Livers Are Only Made To Process Salt Not Fresh... Some Fish Actually Can Do Both Like The BULL SHARK, Salman, (not a fish) Salt Water Crocidile...

Why does fish swallow water all the time?

It is not swallowing the water (swallow means passing it to its stomach), it is gulping as part of the process of passing water over it gills. The motion you see as swallowing is in fact the fish breathing. Obviously therefore it does this all the time.

Were do fish get there air from?

Fish pass water over their 'gills' the gills extract oxygen from the water.

What do fish breathe with?

Fish have gills, as they swim water passes over the gills and extract oxygen from the water.

What is the general name of the process when water evaporates and condenses over and over?

The process of repeated evaporation and condensation is call the water cycle.

Why do fresh water filtered fish tanks lose water over time?

The water will evporate on its own over time.

Why rainbows disappear quickly?

Rainbows don't usually disappear quickly. Rainbows usually lasts for 2-6 hours because that's how long the puddle of water is left over. It's extremely unlikely for rainbows to disappear quickly.

What to do to control the PH of the water for tropical fish?

There are a couple of things you can do to control the pH of the water for tropical fish. You can for example drain the water and start over.

Como a agua desaparece?

If there is an accent over the first 'o', it is a question; 'How does water disappear?' If there is no accent, it is a statement: (It) disappears like water/ Like water it disappears Or As (in the way that) water disappears

Fish can extract oxygen from water using what?

Fish have lamellae in their gills. As the water flows through the gills and over the lamellae, the oxygen is extracted from the water.

How does a fish brethes?

Fish take in water through their mouth. The water is passed over the gills, where oxygen is extracted, and the water then passes out back into the water by the external gill coverings.