

What is the density of lead?

Updated: 1/7/2023
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11y ago

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11.34  grams per centimeter cubed or gpc3

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Joany Funk

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1y ago
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Q: What is the density of lead?
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A typical lead pencil does not actually contain lead. The "lead" in a pencil is made of graphite, which is a crystalline form of carbon. Therefore, there is 0% lead in a lead pencil.

What is the future tense of lead?

The future tense of "lead" is "will lead."

What is future tense of lead?

The future tense of "lead" is "will lead." For example, "He will lead the team to victory."

What elements are there in lead dioxide?

Lead and oxygen are the elements in lead dioxide.

What is the homonyms or homographs for lead?

Homonyms for "lead" include: Lead (as in metal) and lead (to guide or show the way). Lead (pronounced "led") which is a common misspelling of the word "lead" (the metal). Lead (pronounced "led") as in being in charge or at the forefront. Homographs for "lead" include: Lead (the metal) and lead (to guide or show the way). Lead (pronounced "led") as in the past tense of "lead" (to guide). Lead (pronounced "led") as in being in charge or at the forefront.

Is to lead an adverb?

The term "to lead" is the infinitive form of the verb "lead." It can be a noun, adjective, or adverb. However, if "to" is used as a preposition, and "lead" to be the element lead, then "to lead" as in "the element was turned to lead" is an adverbial phrase.

Which has the most lead aluminum or pencil lead?

Pencil lead isn't really lead, it is graphite, a form of carbon. Pencil lead doesn't have any lead in it whatsoever.

What is made out of lead?

Lead is an element, it is not made of anything but lead. But if you are talking about pencil lead then pencil lead is made of graphite.

What is the formula of the white lead and red lead and sugar of lead?

Pb[OH]2 for white lead, Pb3O4 red lead