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Mixed croppingis growing of two or more crops simultaneously on the same piece of land.

It is also known as multiple cropping. This type of cropping leads to an improvement in the fertility of the soil and hence, increase in crop yield because when the two crops are properly chosen the products and refuse from one crop plant help in the growth of the other crop plant and vice-versa.

Mixed cropping is an insurance against crop failure due to abnormal weather conditions.

Some successful mixed cropping practices are:

1.Soya Bean+ Pigeon pea

2.Maize +uraddal (Black gram)

3.Pigeon pea + Mung dal (Green gram)

4.Groundnut + Sunflower

5.Sorghum + Pigeon pea

6.Wheat + Chickpea

7.Barley + Chickpea

8.Wheat + Mustard

9.Cotton + Groundnut

< While, >

The growing of different kinds of crops on a piece of land in a pre planned succession is known ascrop rotation.

In the rotation of crops, leguminous crops like pulses, beans, peas, groundnut and Bengal gram are sown in-between the seasons of cereal crops like wheat, maize and pearl millet.

The leguminous plants are grown alternately with non-leguminous plants to restore the fertility of the soil.

Planting a leguminous plant will result in nitrogen-rich soil and when a cereal is grown in this soil there is increase in food grain production.

Rotation of crops help in weed control and pest control.

Some successful crop rotation practices are:

Maize + mustard , Rice + wheat etc

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11y ago

Difference between - Inter Cropping & Mixed Cropping

Sr. No

Inter Cropping

Mixed Cropping


The main object is to utilize the space left between two rows of main crop

To get at least one crop under favorable conditions


More emphasis is given to the main crop

All crops are cared equally


There is no competition between both crops

There is competition between all crops growing


Inter crops are of short duration & are harvested much earlier than main

The crops are almost of the same duration


Sowing time may be same or different

It is same for all crops


Crops are sown in different rows without affecting the population of main crop when sown as sole crop

Either sown in rows or mixed without considering the population of either

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9y ago

Mixed cropping:

  • Seeds of different crops are mixed before sowing
  • There is no pattern of sowing
  • Crop specific pesticides cannot be sprayed
  • Harvesting of different crops is difficult
  • There is mixing of produce
  • Eg. Wheat + gram, wheat+ mustard, groundnut + sunflower

  • Seeds of different crops are not mixed .they are sown separately
  • The different crops are sown in separate rows in a regular pattern
  • Crop specific pesticides can be sprayed easily
  • Harvesting of crops is easy
  • No mixing of produce
  • Eg. Soyabean + maize, finger millet+cowpea
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9y ago

what is difference between single double and multiple cropping

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9y ago

Mono cropping means growing a single crop at a time. Mixed cropping means growing more than one crop at a time .

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