

What is the 2012 theory?

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12y ago

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there are many theroies abount 2012.

The main one is the Mayan calender therory.The Mayan calender is divided into 6 parts.These parts stretch hundreds of years.We are currently nearing the end of the last part.The mayans predict that massive changes would happen at the end of this part.Unfortunatly this was interpeted as the end of the world.From this stemed many other therories all resulting the end of the world.It is more likely that if they are right somthing good will happen to mark the begging of a new age.

There is another therory that a distant planet called Planet X will begin heading back towards the sun.Planet X was discovered Some time ago and is further away than Pluto and alot bigger.It has a 3,600 year cycle around the sun and acourding to some souces is on colision course with earth.There are many disputes abount weather the planet even exists let alone if it will kill us all!

Hope my essay helped :)

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