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Q: What is the 2015 wage for servers in Arizona?
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What is the minimum wage for servers in Va?

The current minimum wage in Virginia for Servers and Bartenders is a paltry $2.13 an hour.

What is the 2010 minimum wage for servers in Arizona?

There is no "minimum wage for servers" in Arizona. For tipped employees (such as servers), the employer MAY credit the wage by up to $3.00, but the wage plus tips must always be at least $6.90 per hour. This means that most servers earn $3.90 per hour, plus tips.

What is the min wage for servers in new york?

The minimum wage for servers in New York is at least $8 per hour. This is what has been defined by The General Industry Minimum Wage Act .

Servers minimum wage Wisconsin?

$2.35 per hour

What is the minnimum wage in Arizona?

$7.35 an hour, the new Federal Minimum Wage.

What is the 2008 minimum wage for servers in Georgia?

minimum wage is $2.13 plus whatever tips you make.

What is the minimum wage in San Mateo for 2014 and 2015?

It is the minimum wage of California, $8 per hour.

What is minimum wage for servers in Washington?

Washington state does not allow a tip credit, so servers must be paid the state minimum wage of $8.55. Washington, D.C. allows a tip credit that brings minimum wage for tipped employees who qualify down to $2.77.

Whats the minimum wage in NY?

As of August 2014, the minimum wage in New York is approximately $8.75. The minimum wage is expected to raise to $9.00 by December 2015.

What is the federal minimum wage in Arizona?

The Federal Minimum wage is the same everywhere, $6.25 (I think), however Arizona State Minimum Wage is $6.90. It is increased every year January 1, by rates to be determined by ( I believe ) in September of each year. No matter what, the higher wage always takes precedent.

What is the minimum wage in North?

North Dakota follows the Federal Minimum Wage of 7.25 an hour and for tipped employees, ie servers and bartenders, it is $4.86 an hour.