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1. DNA unzips

2. Nitrogen bonds floating outside of the nucleus attach with the unzipped DNA.

3. Two DNA strands with the exact same bases are formed.

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12y ago
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12y ago

the third step in dna replication is when 2 dna double helix form together to form other dna double helix.

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10y ago

everything id proofread to eliminate mistakes

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13y ago

The cell grows to its mature size.

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Gabriella Spiker

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4y ago

the second step of DNA replication is elongation

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mitosis is the very first step in DNA replication my dear friend

What is the first step of replication?

The first, and potentially most important, step of DNA replication is unzipping the DNA through enzymes. This allows more nucleotides to be attached to the halves of the DNA, to create more.

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Separation of the two DNA strands by the action of the Helicase enzyme.

What is the helicase enzyme?

Helicase is an enzyme that plays a critical role in DNA replication by unwinding the double-stranded DNA helix into two separate strands. This process is necessary for DNA polymerase to access the DNA template and synthesize new strands during replication.

What is ment by DNA replication?

replication of DNA is the process of What_is_meant_by_replication_of_DNADNA strand to made another double stranded DNA. This process is important in genetics inheritance from one generation to another. the step of DNA replication include initiation, elongation, and termination.

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The process of copying the DNA molecule is called DNA?

replication. In this process, the two strands of the DNA molecule unwind and each strand serves as a template for the synthesis of a new complementary strand. This results in two identical copies of the original DNA molecule.

What are the areas on DNA where replication occurs called?

DNA replication begins in areas of DNA molecules are called origins of replication.

Is it DNA Copying or DNA Replication?
