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"Three Sisters" polyculture refers to growing corn, beans and squash together in the same plot. It was used extensively throughout mesoamerica and was the basis of the Aztec and Mayan civilizations.

In a Three Sisters plot, the corn provides a trellis for the beans to climb on, and the squash fills in the space below the plants with dense foliage that shades out weeds. The spiky leaves and stems of the squash also discourage rodents and raccoons from eating the corn.

Interplanting or intercropping vegetables is another way of using a crop to shade out weeds. When you set out main crop seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, squash, or broccoli, plant seedlings of short-season crops like lettuce, spinach, or cilantro in close spacing in the gaps between the main-crop plants. The short-season plants will grow and create a "living mulch" canopy of leaves that shades out weeds. It also protects the soil surface from pounding by rain, or the drying effects of sun or wind.

By the time the short-season crops are mature (6-8 weeks) and ready to harvest, the main-crop plants are ready to take over the bed. Weeds that managed to germinate are usually small, spindly, and easy to remove when you harvest the short-season crop.

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Q: What is the 3 sisters method for getting rid of weeds?
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