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grasses, fruits, trees, and shrubs

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Q: What is the 4 main types of plants that elephants eat?
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Do elephants eat plants?

Yes elephants do eat plants

Do elephants eat mainly plants?

They eat ONLY plants.

How do rhinos and elephants use termite?

elephants and rhinos use them as scratching posts

What do Indian elephants eat?

they eat grass and plants

What African forest elephants eat?

leaves plants Elephants are vegetarians.

What type of food do elephants eat?

Elephants are herbivores. They eat plants, leaves, vegetables and fruits

Do elaphants eat ants?

No. Elephants eat only plants.

What do African bush elephants eat?


Can an elephant eat a human alive?

Elephants do not eat humans or any meat. They eat plants.

Do elephants eat dead animals if plants die?

elephants aren't carnivores they are omnivores

Can an elephant eat a buffalo?

No. Elephants are herbivores, meaning that they eat only plants.

What type of food elephants eat?

mostly plants