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Q: What is the Abstract noun for dim loyal?
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What is the abstract noun for faint?

The adjective faint (dim, indistinct) has the related abstract noun "faintness."

What is the abstract noun for dim?

The abstract noun for the adjective dim is dimness. The abstract noun for the verb to dim is the gerund, dimming.

What is an abstract noun for loyal?

Yes, the noun 'loyalty' is an abstract noun, a word for the quality of being faithful to someone or something; a word for a concept.

What is the part of speech of loyal?

Loyal is an adjective. Loyalty is an abstract noun, loyally is an adverb.

What part of speech is the word loyal?

Loyal is an adjective. Loyalty is an abstract noun, loyally is an adverb.

Is patriotism abstract noun?

No, patriot is a concrete noun; a word for a someone loyal to their homeland, a word for a person.The word patriotism is an abstract noun for the concept of loyalty and dedication that a patriot espouses.

Is patriot an abstract noun?

No, patriot is a concrete noun; a word for a someone loyal to their homeland, a word for a person.The word patriotism is an abstract noun for the concept of loyalty and dedication that a patriot espouses.

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Is cheer an abstract noun or a concrete noun??????

What is the abstract noun of peaceful brilliant faithful loyal proud beautiful joyful friend?

The abstract noun form of the adjective peaceful is peacefulness.The word 'peaceful' is the adjective form of the abstract noun peace.The noun form of the adjective brilliant is brilliance.The noun 'brilliance' is an abstract noun as a word for great skill or intelligence.The noun 'brilliance' is a concrete noun as a word for visual brightness; a sharpness or clarity of tone.The abstract noun form of the adjective faithful is faithfulness.The word 'faithful' is the adjective form of the abstract noun faith.The abstract noun forms of the adjective loyalty are loyalness and loyalty.The abstract noun forms of the adjective proud are proudness and pride.The abstract noun form of the adjective beautiful is beautifulness.The word 'beautiful' is the adjective form of the abstract noun beauty.The abstract noun form of the adjective joyful is joyfulness.The word 'joyful' is the adjective form of the abstract noun joy.The abstract noun form of the concrete noun friend is friendship.

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Yes, the noun astonishment is an abstract noun, a word for an emotional reaction.

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is the word towel a concrete noun, abstract noun, or collective noun?

Concrete noun