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hond is only the Afrikaans for 'dog'. A male dog specifically is a reun.

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Q: What is the Afrikaans name for a male dog?
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What is a male dog name?

A dog is a canine. A name is Rex

What is male dogs name?

female dogs are 'bitches', male dogs are just 'dogs'

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The greatest name in the world for a male dog is a name that fits the dog, a name the owner loves as much as the dog, and most importantly, a name that the dog responds to every time it is called.

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Zindzi is not an Afrikaans name and therefore has no significance in the Afrikaans language.

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The scientific name for a male dog is Canis lupus familiaris.

What is the scientific name for male dog?

A male dog is called 'dog.' See Sources and related links for more information.

What is Cockrel in Afrikaans?

No such word exists in the English or Afrikaans dictionaries.