

What is the policy assimilation?

Updated: 4/13/2022
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8y ago

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Assimilation is the process of digesting food and absorption of nutrient.
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Breanne Mohr

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Q: What is the policy assimilation?
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Why did the French abandon the assimilation policy?

The French abandoned the policy of assimilation partly because the policy itself contravened with their original pre-occupations of their colonial policy in several ways

What do you understand by the term assimilation policy and show the effect?

Answer this question...effect of assimilation

Which colonial power's policy was based on assimilation of native peoples?

French Colonial Policy

That the assimilation policy adopted by the US government was a good idea?


Assimilation policy adopted by the US government is good idea?

Assimilation policy adopted by the US government was not a good idea because it led to unnecessary racism and elements of bigotry as it does not respect immigrant cultures.

Why was the governments policy of assimilation of the native Americans a failure?

The government's policy of assimilation of the Native Americans was a failure because the government wanted to eliminate them. The government wanted the Native Americans to remain powerless.

The policy whereby an imperial power tries to absorb colonies into the parent nation?

The policy you are referring to is known as assimilation. It involves the dominant nation imposing its culture, language, and institutions on the colonies with the aim of erasing their distinctiveness and integrating them into the imperial system.

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What was the policy of integration and How was it different to assimilation?

The policy of integration allowed Aboriginal people to practice their culture and religion while living amongst people of other cultures and religions. Assimilation on the other hand was a policy to absorb Aboriginal people into white society.

Why was the Australian assimilation policy not a success?

The Australian assimilation policy was not a success because it did not respect the culture of the aborigines. There was a great deal of resistance to the policy and even those aborigines that agreed to be assimilated often faced discrimination and did not feel at home in the new culture.

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What is the Assimilation policy aboriginals?

Integration was a policy which said Aboriginal people could continue their cultural beliefs and live alongside others of different cultures. the Integration policy was introduced, supposedly to give Aboriginal people more control over their lives and society.