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6d ago

The average utility bill for a mansion can vary widely depending on the size of the mansion, location, energy efficiency, and usage patterns. It is not uncommon for utility bills to be significantly higher for mansions due to increased square footage and amenities that require more energy to operate.

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What is the average monthly sewer bill in Hawaii?

The average monthly sewer bill in Hawaii is around $40 to $100, depending on the location and water usage of the household. Prices may vary based on the county and specific utility provider.

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The average electric bill in Newnan, GA varies depending on factors such as household size, energy usage, and provider. On average, residents in Newnan can expect to pay around $120 to $200 per month for electricity. It is recommended to contact local utility providers for more specific information.

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The average monthly electricity bill in the United States is around $115. However, this can vary greatly depending on factors such as location, household size, energy usage habits, and local utility rates.

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The average monthly electric bill in Norfolk, VA is around $120-$150, depending on factors such as household size, energy usage habits, and the efficiency of appliances. It is recommended to consult with the local utility provider or check recent data for a more accurate estimate.

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