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Q: What is the Blod alcohol content of over 21 years old?
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Related questions

Do drugs effect your blood alcohol content?

The only drug that affects your blood alcohol content is alcohol.

When was alcohol content reduced in Soberano brandy?

It has gradually been reduced over the past 3-4 years from 40% to 36% to 33% and now 2014 to 30%

In Virginia bloater with blood alcohol content over what percent are considered OUI?


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Can alcohol cause dementia?

Actually, there is something called alcohol dementia that is caused by excessive alcohol intake over many years.

Does the alcohol breath tester work?

"Yes alcohol breath testers work. You breath into a breath tester and it reads the alcohol content of your breath. Cops can pull over people and test them to see if they are drunk, and can arrest you if you are."

In Virginia boaters with blood alcohol content (BAC) over what percent are considered Operating Under the Influence (OUI)?


How many alcopops could an adult safely drink in a day?

That would depend on the individual's health, weight and gender, along with the alcohol content of the beverage and whether they are accustomed to drinking. However, given the average alcohol content (from 5 - 12.5%), as little as two or three in an hour could put someone over the legal limit.

How does alcohol effect liver?

Abusive alcohol drinking constantly over a period of many years or decades can cause liver problems.

Amount of alcohol sold in the US?

The amount of alcohol sold per capita in the U.S. has been declining over a period of years.

What things you can only do when you are over twenty one?

You can only consume alcohol if your are over twenty one years of age.

What is alcohol psychosis?

Psychosis caused by severe alcoholism over a long period of years.