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Girl Scouts in Hawaii are members of Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA), so Brownie Girl Scouts in Hawaii have the same Girl Scout Promise as all GSUSA members.

The Girl Scout Promise

On my honor, I will try:

To serve God and my country,

To help people at all times,

And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

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What is the Brownie Promise Box for?

In some Girl Guide/Girl Scout organizations, particularly in the UK, a Brownie is given a Brownie Promise Box at her Promise Celebration, when she first joins Brownies and recites the Brownie Promise. It is meant to be used to keep their Brownie books and other Guide items. A Brownie can use her box as a place where she can easily find what she needs for the next meeting.

Was Danica Patrick a Brownie or Girl Scout?

First of all, a Brownie is a Girl Scout. A Girl Scout Brownie is just one of several Girl Scout levels. Yes, Danica Patrick was a former member of Girl Scouts of the USA although there is no specific information regarding which levels of Girl Scouting.

What did Brownie Girl Scouts used to sing?

There are many songs Brownie Girl Scouts used to sing and that they sing today. One of the more famous songs is The Brownie Smile Song. Other songs are Make New Friends, and When E're You Make A Promise.

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Which hand is raised when reciting the Girl Scout Promise?

The right hand is raised when reciting the Girl Scout Promise.

Do you have to be a Brownie before you can be a Girl Scout?

Yes, in order to become a Girl Scout, a girl must start as a Brownie. Brownies is the second level of Girl Scouting and is designed for girls in grades 2-3 or ages 7-8. After completing the Brownie level, girls can then progress to the next levels of Girl Scouting.

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When did Girl Scout Brownies start singing the Brownie Smile Song?

The Brownie Smile Song was written by Harriet F. Heywood of Gloucester, MA in the late 1920's when she was working as a Brownie Girl Scout troop leader.

What is the name of a Brownie Girl Scout?

Depending on the country and the organization, the Brownie Girl Scout or Girl Guide level can have several different names: Brownie Brownie Girl Scout Brownie Guide Alita or Little Wing Bird Sunbeam Jeannette Butterfly Louvette Caperucita or Little Riding Hood Lupetta or Little Wolf Little Maid Bluebird Hadita or Fairy Lechwe Guide Zahrat Flower Swallow Yyldyz Ýzci or Star

What is the Brownie Girl Scouts hut phone number?

The Brownie Girl Scout hut phone number depends on what hut you are looking for and where it is located.

What do Girl Scout Brownies wear?

Girl Scout Brownie members of Girl Scouts of the USA have a Girl Scout Brownie uniform to wear. The uniform includes a white polo shirt or a blue short sleeve shirt; a brown skirt, skort, pants, or shorts; and a brown vest or sash.