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elements in the halogen family react easily with other elements whose atoms can give up electrons.alkali metals lose one electron they are left with 0 valence electrons and they become more chemically stable

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12y ago

Alkali Metals Halogens

more reactive less reactive

metals non-metals(gas/solid/liquid)

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Q: What is the Compare and contrast the properties of the halogens with alkali metal?
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Which elements are both alkali metals and halogens?

No element is a member of both the halogens and the alkali metals. Hydrogen shares some properties of the two groups, but belongs to neither. It is instead in a group all its own.

What kind of chemical bond is formed by transfer of electrons between alkali halogens?

An ionic bond is formed by electron transfer between alkali metals and halogens.

What is the correct list of elemental families in order going from left to right?

Alkali metals, transition metals, halogens or Transition metals, halogens, noble gases or Alkali earth metals, halogens, noble gases

What kind of chemical bond is formed by transfer of electrons between alkali metals halogens?

An ionic bond is formed by electron transfer between alkali metals and halogens.

Why H cannot be placed in group 1a although its electronic configuraion is similar to group 1a?

It is so because it also resembles the the halogens. The enthalpy of bond dissociation of Hydrogen is quite similar to Halogens. Its properties resemble both alkali metals and the halogens but differ from them too. So, it is not placed with any of them.

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The two most reactive groups of elements in the periodic table are the alkali metals and halogens.

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The most active metals are alkali metals.The most active nonmetals are halogens.

What are the 5families in the periodic table?

alkali F., alkali earth metals, coinage, halogens and noble gases

What chemical family is most reactive?

The most reactive groups are alkali metals and halogens.

Ionic bonds are formed between?

Alkali metals and halogens.

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Why do halogens form compounds with alkali metals?

Because halogens form negative ions, alkali metals form positive ions; both are reactive elements and an electrostatic attraction exist.