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A notochord is a long, solid chord of solid protein.

A vertebrate is a creature that has a vertebra column. A vertebra is short, solid segment of bone. A series of vertebra make a vertebra column or a back bone.

Both serve the same function but the back bone is a more complex version.

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Q: What is the Difference between a vertebrate and a notochord?
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Identify one similarity and one difference between vertebrates and other chordates?

They both have a notochord but a chordata does not have a back bone and the vertebrate does

What makes an alligator a vertebrate?

It has a notochord.

In chordates how does the notochord of a vertebrate differ from that of an invertebrate?

The notochord of a vertebrate differs from that of an invertebrate because a vertebrates eventually turns into a back bone. Invertebrates just disappears.

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The notochord develops into the vertebrate spinal cord.

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No, it only has a notochord no vertebrae so it is only a Chordate not yet a vertebrate.

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The notochord of a vertebrate differs from that of an invertebrate because a vertebrates eventually turns into a back bone. Invertebrates just disappears.

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Do snapping turtles have a dorsal nerve cord notochord?

Yes it is a vertebrate

What's the difference between vertebrate and invertebrate?

Vertebrate Has a BACKBONE and Invertebrate Doesn't have a BACKBONE

Difference between chordates and vertebrates?

humans are vertebrates as hey have the vertebral column(to be more specific the notochord). u can feel your vertebral column by placing your hand on your back.the bony structure that seems to divide your back into two equal halves is nothing but your vertebral column.

What is the most ancient group of vertebrate's?

fish The vertebrates have a nebulous starting point. There are some chordates that have more of a notochord than a true vertebrate column. Some taxicologists are more comfortable saying that a Coelacanth has a notochord rather than a vertebrate column when clearly the vertebrate are present in this animal. So its is a matter of your own definition. One could say 'at a stretch' that the hagfish and lamprey are the most ancient vertebrates.