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There are dozens of differences, but most are very minor. Essentially all the major events in the film actually happened - but were often condensed or simplified for the sake of telling the story. Ken Mattingly did get bumped because they thought he'd get measles (and he really never did). Marilyn Lovell really did have her ring slip off down the drain (though they did manage to retrieve it). They really did lose an engine during the launch. The explosion caused them to lose oxygen and power. The Aquarius became a life boat. Fred Haise got a urinary infection. The guys at mission control cobbled together an effective CO2 scrubber with plastic bags and tape. etc. etc. However: - One of the more famous minor changes is "Houston, we have a problem", which in reality was "Houston, we've had a problem". Other quotes in the film such as "I wonder where Gunter went?" was originally said by one of the Apollo 7 guys and "The constellation 'urion'" was coined by Wally Shirra. - There was no animosity towards Swigert, and he wasn't really considered a rookie as shown in the film as he'd written malfunction manuals for the command module. And if he couldn't dock The Odyssey and Aquarius, then Lovell or Haise could've done it. - Ken Mattingly became an amalgam of a number of different people in the second half of the film while testing the power up for the command module - otherwise there would've been too many other characters to keep track of. Also, he wasn't CAPCOM during re-entry. - According to Lovell the Grumman guy in the film (rep for the company who produced the lunar module) was given a bum rap, and wasn't as antagonistic as shown. - There were a couple of engine burns not shown in the film. - There were four rotating mission control shifts. They are represented on screen and in the credits with names like TELMU Gold, EECOM Gold etc., but the focus in the film is on Gene Krantz' White Team who were on duty when the explosion occurred. This only really scratches the surface of minor differences. For the full picture one needs to read Lost Moon by James Lovell and Jeffrey Kluger (re-titled Apollo 13 when the movie came out) and listen to Jim and Marilyn Lovell's commentary for the film. Marilyn is almost in tears during the scene where Jim (Tom Hanks) dreams about walking on the moon.

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Q: What is the Difference of the movie Apollo 13 and real event?
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