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The resurection of Jesus Christ

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Q: What is the Easter egg connection with the death and resurrection?
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Related questions

Is Easter only a religious festival?

No, Easter is primarily a religious festival that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but it is also observed in a secular manner in many cultures with traditions like egg decorating and egg hunts.

What calendar is Easter based on?

Easter is about the Resurrection of Jesus after he died on Good Friday. We celebrate Easter by giving each other chocolate eggs ( the egg symbolises new life ).

What do you have Easter for?

Easter is the day Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.

Did the Pope get an Easter egg this Easter?

Perhaps he did. Eggs signify new life, which Jesus Christ gave us in the resurrection, allowing us to have eternal life after death with him in heaven. Thus the eggs signify new life, this was its original beginning. It has become secularized, but it still has a Christian foundation.

What does the butterfly have to do with Easter?

The butterfly is a symbol of new life, as is the egg. Butterflies enter the cocoon as mere caterpillars, and emerge as beautiful, completely new creatures. They have to "die" as caterpillars in order to become something even better. Easter is about Christ's death and resurrection, and butterflies symbolise newness and beauty, overcoming death and ugliness to emerge victorious and free.

When do different religions celebrate Easter?

We have a morning church service, and Easter eggs for kids, .

Does Easter egg roll day have anything to do with egg rolls?

No, not at all. Easter egg rolls are rolls of Easter eggs, not egg rolls of Easter.

Why is Easter Monday a holiday?

I think its to symbolise the moving of the stone to the cave Jesus was in. An egg symbolises new life (like when the chick breaks from the egg) and Jesus did rise on this day and came back to life.

How do you make an Easter egg in RuneScape?

well you cant make an Easter egg only during the 2008 Easter event but if you got the 2006 Easter event you can turn into an Easter egg

Why is there such thing as Easter?

On good Friday, Jesus was crusified and put on the cross, on Easter Sunday we celebrate the anniverary of when Jesus came back to life. The reason that we have Easter eggs on Easter, there is two reasons, I used to go to a Catholic school so I learnt a lot about God and Jesus and how Jesus died and all that stuff. Here are the reasons that we have Easter eggs: The first reason: When Jesus was buried in a cave, when he came back to life he had to move a big boulder or giant rock to get out, it was an egg shape. Everyone knows that most people love chocolate, so they take the egg from the egg shaped boulder or giant rock and the chocolate,also to pig out a bit on chocolate because lent has ended. The second reason: An egg represents new life, when Jesus came back to life it was new life, when chickens eggs hatch and other animals that grow in eggs it is new life, so the egg represents the new life of Jesus, the chocolate is just as a treat, also to pig out a bit on chocolate because lent has ended.

Is Easter egg on Saturday?

no easter is on a sunday

When was the first Easter egg given?
