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TAR =Armenian cucumber = snake melon = snake cucumber

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Q: What is the English name for tar which we eat raw and is a summer vegetable like cucumber?
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What are composite vegetables?

i think that a compost vegetable is a vegetable that can be peeled like cucumber,tomatoes, and maybe onion

How do you know the difference between a fruit and a vegetable?

you can tell if something is a fruit or a vegetable by if it has seeds or not so the difference is that fruit has seeds and vegetables don't even though lots of fruits like cucumber is known as a vegetable it is actually a fruit.

Cucumber is flower vegetable?

Cucumber is a fruit. Because the part that we eat is the part of the plant that contains the seed so really it is a fruit, just like tomato, pumpkin, apple, capsicum. The flowers come first they are fertilized, then the fruit develops.

Why is a sea cucumber called a sea cucumber?

Because the scientists believed it looked like a cucumber and it was under the sea so therefore, a sea cucumber has derived from cucumber-like look.

Is a cucmber a fruit or a vegetable?

A cucumber is classed as a fruit because it forms at the base of a flower, just like an apple, a pear, tomato or orange.

What are the best vegetable to grow in summer?

Tomatoes, peas, basil and parsley, watermelon, berries, stuff like that

Is a cucumber a vegetable?

A cucumber is a fruit not a vegtable because it has seeds. Its the same as a tomato, apple, chili and grapes. It is as simple as that really. Most people get confused because its more of a rich fruit they seem to think its a vegetable. Another reason people think its a vegetable is because you put it in salads and have them when main meal foods such as wraps and salads not for dessert like fruit salad and banana split. It is one of those common mistakes everybody has once in a while.

What kind of summer products does Calvin Klein offer?

Calvin Klein offers summer products like ck one summer 3.4 oz. eau de Toilette spray. This tonic has a woody fragrance with hints of watermelon, cucumber and water lily.

Is a merliton a vegetable or a fruit?

Merliton (chayote) is a fruit, just like a cucumber and a tomato. These are fleshy products of a plant that have seeds for reproduction. Although it is a fruit, it is not sweet, and actually has a very mild flavor.

Do hamsters like cucumber?

Yes, they have the ability to eat small portions of cucumber.

What vegetable does the BFG eat?

he eats a snuzcumber love ?

Is butternut squash a starch?

No butternut squash, is not a root vegetable, such as tuber (eg. potatoes, carrots, yams). It grows above ground, like its close relative the pumpkin, the cucumber, the melon, etetera.