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"To my family of friends" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase alla mia famiglia di amici.

Specifically, the word alla combines the preposition a with the feminine definite article la to mean "to the." The feminine possessive adjective mia means "my." The feminine noun famiglia means "family." The preposition di means "of." The masculine noun amici means "(male) friends" or "(mixed group of female and male) friends."

The pronunciation is "AHL-lah MEE-ah fah-MEE-lyah dee ah-MEE-tchee."

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12y ago

Alla mia famiglia di amici is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "To my family of friends."

Specifically, the word alla combines the preposition a with the feminine definite article la to mean "to the." The feminine possessive adjective mia means "my." The feminine noun famiglia means "family." The preposition di means "of." The masculine noun amici means "(male) friends" or "(mixed group of female and male) friends."

The pronunciation is "AHL-lah MEE-ah fah-MEE-lyah dee ah-MEE-tchee."

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12y ago

Al mio tesoro is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "To my sweetheart."

Specifically, the word al combines the preposition a with the masculine definite article il to mean "to the." The masculine possessive adjective mio means "my." The masculine noun tesoro literally means "treasure."

The pronunciation is "ahl MEE-oh teh-ZOH-roh."

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Q: What is the English translation of the Italian 'alla mia famiglia di amici'?
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