

What is the English word for ante?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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ante = before

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Q: What is the English word for ante?
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Before birth is an English equivalent of 'ante natal'. In the word by word translation, the preposition 'ante' means 'before'. The adjective 'natalis' means 'of or relating to birth'. Over time, the Latin ablative case ending '-is' was dropped. So the phrase came to be known as 'ante natal'.

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Qui ante? in Latin is "Who before?" in English.

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It is from the Latin Ante Christum

What is the English meaning of ante?

Each player's stake, which is put into the pool before (ante) the game begins., To put up (an ante).

How can you use the word ante meridian in a sentence?

It was the ante meridian of the day.

What is the homophone for ante?

When pronounced with a short A sound (IPA: æ) such as in certain dialects of British English and in American English, the word ant is a homophone of the word "aunt".My mom's sister is my aunt.

How do you use ante mortem in a sentence?

The ante-mortem of the body was done to the body. It is a sentence containing the word ante-mortem.

What does the word 'Ante' mean when used in law reviews?

The Latin translation for 'ante' is before.

What is 'ante' when translated from French to English?

"Anta" is an English equivalent of the French word ante. The feminine singular noun most famously references an architectural style in which a pilaster with a base and a column goes on either side of the entrance doorway to a Greek temple. The pronunciation will be "awnt" in French.

What does ante delictum mean?

Ante is the Latin word for before and delictum is Latin for offense. The phrase ante delictum means before the offense.