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Q: What is the Euler turbine equation?
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What is the difference between Lagrange's equation of motion and Euler-Lagrange's equation of motion?

Both are same..just the names are different.

Is Euler's law and Euler's formula the same thing?

No, In mathematics and physics, there is a large number of topics named in honor of Leonhard Euler, many of which include their own unique function, equation, formula, identity, number (single or sequence), or other mathematical entity. Unfortunately, many of these entities have been given simple and ambiguous names such as Euler's Law, Euler's function, Euler's equation, and Euler's formula Euler's formula is a mathematical formula that shows a deep relationship between trigonometric functions and the exponential function. Euler's first law states the linear momentum of a body is equal to theproduct of the mass of the body and the velocity of its sentre of mass Euler's second law states that the sum of the external moments about a point is equal to the rate of change of angular momentum about that point.

What is formula or equation of euler's critical load?


Why is Euler's formula important?

Euler's formula is important because it relates famous constants, such as pi, zero, Euler's number 'e', and an imaginary number 'i' in one equation. The formula is (e raised to the i times pi) plus 1 equals 0.

What is the equation of reaction turbine?

Torque=pQ(Vt1R1 - Vt2r2)

What are the Uses of Cauchy Euler equation?

One thing about math is that sometimes the challenge of solving a difficult problem is more rewarding than even it's application to the "real" world. And the applications lead to other applications and new problems come up with other interesting solutions and on and on... But... The Cauchy-Euler equation comes up a lot when you try to solve differential equations (the Cauchy-Euler equation is an ordinary differential equation, but more complex partial differential equations can be decomposed to ordinary differential equations); differential equations are used extensively by engineers and scientists to describe, predict, and manipulate real-world scenarios and problems. Specifically, the Cauchy-Euler equation comes up when the solution to the problem is of the form of a power - that is the variable raised to a real power. Specific cases involving equilibrium phenomena - like heat energy through a bar or electromagnetics often rely on partial differential equations (Laplace's Equation, or the Helmholtz equation, for example), and there are cases of these which can be separated into the Cauchy-Euler equation.

What did Leonhard Euler invent?

Euler is one of the most famous mathematicians of all time and he contributed a huge amount to maths. He is most famous for Euler's equation which unites 5 of the fundamental numbers in maths: e, i, pi, 1 and 0. It looks like this: e^(i*pi)+1=0

What two shapes has 10 faces 16 edges and 16 vertices?

There cannot be such shapes.The Euler characteristic for each shape requires Faces + Vertices = Edges + 2Therefore, for 2 shapes, F + V = E + 4The equation fails in this case.There cannot be such shapes.The Euler characteristic for each shape requires Faces + Vertices = Edges + 2Therefore, for 2 shapes, F + V = E + 4The equation fails in this case.There cannot be such shapes.The Euler characteristic for each shape requires Faces + Vertices = Edges + 2Therefore, for 2 shapes, F + V = E + 4The equation fails in this case.There cannot be such shapes.The Euler characteristic for each shape requires Faces + Vertices = Edges + 2Therefore, for 2 shapes, F + V = E + 4The equation fails in this case.

What was euler the mathematicians full name?

Leonhard Euler

Why euler method for solving first and second order differential equation is not preferred when compared with rungeekutta method?


What is Euler's geometry formula?

Faces + Vertices= Edges + 2 F+V=E+2 For a polyhedron, count up all the faces, vertices, and edges and substitute in formula. If both sides of the equation aren't equal, Euler's formula is not verified for the polyhedron.

What is the difference between an Euler circuit and an Euler path?

The difference between an Euler circuit and an Euler path is in the execution of the process. The Euler path will begin and end at varied vertices while the Euler circuit uses all the edges of the graph at once.