

What is the Evaluation of socio medical model?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What is the Evaluation of socio medical model?
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What is socio-medical model of health?

Socio-medical model of health, is when for example a person would go to hospital ill instead of just being prescribed a bottle of antibiotics socio-medical is when they look at social life, environment they live in etc. and then try to improve that for example if the person is obese they would use that as a reason they could be ill and tell them ways to lose weight etc.

What is medical model of health?

Socio-medical model of health, is when for example a person would go to hospital ill instead of just being prescribed a bottle of antibiotics socio-medical is when they look at social life, environment they live in etc. and then try to improve that for example if the person is obese they would use that as a reason they could be ill and tell them ways to lose weight etc.

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biomedical focus only on the medical need of the person like treating only the illness. socio medical looks at both the medical need and the environment and social condition that the person is in ie poor house increase chance of illness

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The evaluation or appraisal of a condition is the definition of the word assessment. This term is used in the medical field to describe the evaluation of patients and medical records.

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George H. Milly has written: 'A computer simulation model for evaluation of the health care delivery system' -- subject(s): Data processing, Evaluation, Mathematical models, Medical care

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What the strengths and weaknesses of the socio-medical model of health?

Strengths of the socio-medical model include its recognition of the impact of social factors on health outcomes and its emphasis on a holistic approach. Weaknesses include potential oversimplification of complex health issues, difficulty in measuring social factors, and challenges in implementing interventions that address these factors.

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A. Querido has written: 'The development of socio-medical care in the Netherlands'

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