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Boiling the chicken will heat the chicken the fastest.

Put the chicken in a large bowl of water. Microwave for several minutes, periodically using a meat thermometer to check both the temperature of the water and the chicken (at its thickest part). Once the chicken has reached 160 degrees F, keep it there for about eight minutes (depending on size and amount of chicken).

You can keep the chicken hot until you are ready to eat by setting the microwave to "Defrost" cycle, zapping the water intermittently and effectively keeping the meat above 160 degrees.

Take this one step further and do the above with vegetables and seasonings and you have a great soup.

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Put whole chicken on plate in refrigerator for 24 hours

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Q: What is the safest way to thaw a whole frozen chicken?
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How do you cook a frozen whole chicken?

You thaw it first. Either that, or find a huge pot and boil it.

What is the best way to thaw chicken breast and thighs?

The best way to thaw chicken is in the refrigerator. The length of time it will take to thaw will depend on how the chicken was packed when frozen - whether its a solid block or individually frozen.

Can you thaw frozen chicken and refridgerate overnight?

i am pretty sure. you can

What is the safest way to thaw chicken?

The safest way to thaw frozen chicken is to move it from the freezer into the refrigerator to thaw there. If you're in a hurry, it's okay to thaw chicken in cold water, replacing the water every so often.

How do you cook frozen chicken with bone?

You dont , you must thaw it first

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The best and safest way to thaw a frozen turkey roll roast is to move it from the freezer into the refrigerator to allow it to thaw. In a time crunch, you can remove it from the box and soak in cold water to thaw. You should change the water every 30 minutes or so until it is completely thawed.

Can you freeze chicken eggs whole in the cartoon?

No .. once the eggs are frozen they will not thaw out properly. Freezing may also crack the shell, spewing out the contents of the egg before it freezes.

How long does it take to thaw 1 pound of frozen chicken livers in the refrigerator?

30 mins

Can chicken potpie be frozen?

Chicken pies can be frozen. I usually have a couple in my freezer. I take one out in the morning to thaw, and then cook the pie in time for dinner. Not sure what 'potpie' means?

Can you cook a frozen whole chicken in the oven?

It is seldom a good idea to put frozen food directly into the oven. What will normally happen is that the outside of the food will get very well done, burnt even, and the center will still be raw. You should thaw poultry before cooking it. The safest way is in the fridge, but if you need to speed things up, running cold (not hot!) water over the bird will thaw it out. You can put it into a sink full of cold water and change it regularly. You can also use the defrost or thaw setting on the microwave, but be sure there aren't any metal parts in the bird!

Dethawing a whole chicken?

Place the chicken in the refrigerator and let it thaw gradually, 2-3 days.

Can you season frozen chicken before baking?

Yes you can, you just have to be careful and if you do you should bake it right away. It also matters what kind of chicken you have. But considering it is frozen let it thaw out for a while before.