

What is the French word for everybody?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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tout le monde

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Q: What is the French word for everybody?
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Related questions

What does the french word tout la monde mean?

it means: everybody

French word of everybody?

In French class in high school , we learned it was: "toute le monde." Literally translated it means "all the world," but is used to mean "everybody."

What is the translation for the French word tous?

Tous translates as all, everybody, everyone.

What is the french translation for everybody?

everybody = tout le monde

Is everybody in french singular or plural?

Everybody is translated 'tout le monde' in French. This is singular. ex: tout le monde s'en VA (everybody leaves)

What is the possessive noun for everybody?

The word 'everybody' is not a noun; the word 'everybody' is an indefinite pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun for an unknown or unnamed number of people.The possessive form is everybody's.

How many syllables are in the word everybody?

there are four syllables in the word "everybody"

What is an exclamatory sentence with the word everybody?

Everybody loves you!

What is everybody in French?

tout le monde

What is a sentence with the word everybody in it?

everybody fom the class can to the party

What pronouns are in everybody?

The word 'everybody' is a single word, an indefinite pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun for an unknown or unnamed number of people. The pronoun 'everybody' is a compound word, a word made up of two or more words to form a word with a meaning of its own. The pronoun 'everybody' is a combination of the adjective 'every' and the noun 'body'.

What is the Latin word for everybody?

The English word "everybody" is generally translated by a plural form of the Latin adjective omnis, "all, every". These forms are:omnes - "everybody" as subject or objectomnium - "of everybody"omnibus - "to, for, by, with, from everybody"