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It is the atmosphere.

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Q: What is the GAS portion of the earth's surface called?
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What are the componets of natural gas?

the earths surface is bound connect with the atmosphere that represents the greenhouse effect.

What is natural liquid gas?

NGL is a reservoir portion of natural gas that is stripped out as a liquid at the surface by special processing facilities.

What is a reason that the ozone near the earths surface is dangerous?

Ozone at ground level is a pollutant. It is a greenhouse gas.

What do the the outer planets have in common?

They are all gas planets. They are all quite large and made from gas, so there is no real surface like that of earths.

What is The pressure exerted by the gas in earths atmosphere called?

autmospheric pressure

What do scientists call a rock that strikes earth's surface?

Meteorites. When floating in space they are called meteoroids, they are then called meteors when they enter the earths atmosphere at high speeds, burning up brightly as shooting stars for a brief period due to the friction against the gas in the atmosphere. If any surviving pieces are found on the surface, they are called meteorites.

Which planets have a surface gravity greater than earths?

All 4 gas giants : Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

What are the pros and cons of oil and gas exploration in the Arctic?

a con is oil spill ------------- A pro is that there are thought to be untold oil and gas reserves under the earths surface in that region.