

Best Answer

There are several ways to translate serenity:

שלווה (shalva)

רוגע (roga)

שקט (shaket

שלום (shalom)

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"serenity" is correct.

What type of noun is the word serenity?

The noun 'serenity' is a common, uncountable, abstract noun as a word for a word or a quality or state of peacefulness; a word for an emotion. The noun 'serenity' (or Serenity) is a countable, concrete noun as a word for (or title title given to) a reigning prince or similar dignitary; a word for a person.

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The Latin word for serenity is tranquillitatem. This word is said in Spanish as serenidad and in Italian it is serenita.

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What is the hawaiian word for serenity?

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Is serenity a antonym?

An antonym by definition is a word having a meaning opposite to that of another word.The word serenity describes calmness, or a condition of repose and harmony.Therefore serenity is an antonym for any word with the opposite meaningeg: agitation, anxiety, disruption, disturbance, excitement, trouble

What is a native American word for serenity?

You asked for an example of a word meaning "serenity" and one is the Natick word chequnappu (= he is serene). Natick is the now extinct language of the Massachusett and Wampanoag tribes.

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