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Q: What is the ICD-10-CM code for a bilateral hip replacement?
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Contracture of hip following partial hip replacement what is the icd-9 code?

718.45 Contracture of hip

Icd9 code 81.51?

81.51 Total hip replacement Replacement of both femoral head and acetabulum by prosthesis Total reconstruction of hip

After bilateral hip replacement is kneeling possible or not recommended?

It should be fine, though I would avoid trying to lift weights from this position.

Can arthritis cause severe pain when diagnosed in both hips?

Yes, bilateral hip arthritis can be excruciating. If the arthritis is so severe that mobility is limited, the doctor may recommend a hip replacement surgery.

What is the cpt code for total hip replacement for the treatment of severe osteoarthritis?


What is a hip replacement code based on?

medical reason for the surgery

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What is medical billing code 73520?

CPT Code 73520- Radiologic examination, hips, bilateral, minimum of 2 views of each hip, including anteroposterior view of pelvis.

What are the treatments for hip dysplasia?

Hip resurfacing or total hip replacement

Best Hip replacement surgeons in Chennai?

Hip Replacement or hip arthroplasty is a surgical procedure to treat the damaged portion of the hip. A person who performs this procedure by making certain incisions to remove the damaged part of the hip and replacing them with prosthetic implants is a Hip Replacement surgeon.

Would i be too young at sixty six for a hip replacement?

If you need a hip replacement, then age is not an issue.

What bone leg is involved in hip replacement?

The femur is the leg bone involved in hip replacement.