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Q: What is the Immediate Response of the body To Cold Stimulus?
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Which system is responsible for determining the bodys immediate response to the heat?

The nervous system is responsible for determining the body's immediate response to the heat. It also is responsible for determining the body's immediate response to the cold.

A change that causes a response in your body is a what?

A change that causes a response in your body is a stimulus. When a stimulus is detected by the body, it triggers a reaction that helps maintain balance and homeostasis.

Is this a stimulus or response a a flu virus entering your body?

the flu is a stimulus

A blank is what your body in reactons to a stimulus?


Difference between stimulus and response?

A stimulus is a change in an organism's surroundings or body which causes it to respond. Hence, a response is an organism's reaction to a specific stimulus.

What body systems work together to create a response to a stimulus?

The nervous system works with the endocrine system to create a response to a stimulus. The nervous system detects the stimulus and sends signals to the endocrine system, which releases hormones that help regulate the body's response to the stimulus. Together, these systems coordinate a response to the stimulus.

Does A Reflex causes a Stimulus?

No, a reflex is a rapid, involuntary response to a stimulus. The stimulus is what triggers the reflex reaction in the body.

What is the body response to the stimulus of getting overheated?

Sweating and thirst

The response of an effector is?

The response of an effector is the action or change that it produces in response to a stimulus. Effectors are organs or structures in the body that carry out the response, such as muscles contracting in response to a nerve signal. This response helps to bring about homeostasis and maintain the body's internal balance.

What is the difference between stimulas and response?

A stimulus is an external event or cue that triggers a reaction in an organism, while a response is the specific reaction or behavior that follows the presentation of a stimulus. In simpler terms, a stimulus is something that causes a response.

Is this a stimulus or response a sudden drop in air temperature?

A sudden drop in air temperature is a stimulus, as it is an external factor that causes a reaction or response in living organisms. The response to this stimulus could be behaviors like shivering or seeking shelter to maintain body temperature.

Do viruses respond to a stimulus?

A stimulus causes your body to react, a response is something that is caused by a stimulus. Work it out, does the virus respond to you more or you to the virus?