

Does A Reflex causes a Stimulus?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Does A Reflex causes a Stimulus?
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The painful stimulus that causes a hand to pull away from a hot iron?

withdrawal reflex

What part of in pupil reflex for stimulus?

The stimulus in the pupil reflex would be light

What do you touch in order to trigger a rooting reflex on an infant?

A reflex in infants in which rubbingor scratching about the mouth causes the infant to turn its head toward the stimulus.

What is the term for an involuntary reaction to an external stimulus?

The term for an involuntary reaction to an external stimulus is a reflex.

The simplest response to a stimulus is a what?

A reflex

Learning that makes a reflex response to a stimulus other than the original natural stimulus that naturally produces the reflex?

classical conditioning

How is the reflex response different from the sensory response?

The stimulus is what triggers the reflex response.

What structure detects the stimulus in the reflex action?

The stimulus is detected by temperature or pain receptors in the skin. These generate impulses in sensory neurons. The impulses enter the CNS ( Central nervous system ) through a part of the spinal nerve called the Dorsal root.

An in voluntary action under a stimulus?

A reflex

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What is the difference in reaction time when stimulus is predictable versus unpredictable?

A reflex is an involuntary response to an external stimulus, usually to protect the body. A reflex is much faster...

What is a pathological response?

A pathological reflex is an unexpected/abnormal response to stimulus. For instance, a positive babinski reflex is a pathological reflex.