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motor neuron and sensory neuron

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Q: What are the first and last elements in a spinal reflex?
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Does Honda still manufacture the Reflex?

The Honda Reflex is no longer being manufactured. The last year they were made was 2007.

What are representative elemets?

The elements in the first two groups and in the last 6 groups. Basically all the elements except the inner transition and transition elements.

What is primacy effect?

The tendency to remember only the first and the last elements in a speech

What if the elements are repeated in binary search?

You will find one of them (not necessarily the first or the last).

What is primacy latency effect?

The tendency to remember only the first and the last elements in a speech

Difference between a queue and a stack in brief?

In a queue, elements are placed in line; the first to get into the queue is the first to get out (FIFO - first in, first out).A stack is also a structure to store pieces of data, or objects, but the last element to get in will be the first element to get out (LIFO).In a queue, elements are placed in line; the first to get into the queue is the first to get out (FIFO - first in, first out).A stack is also a structure to store pieces of data, or objects, but the last element to get in will be the first element to get out (LIFO).In a queue, elements are placed in line; the first to get into the queue is the first to get out (FIFO - first in, first out).A stack is also a structure to store pieces of data, or objects, but the last element to get in will be the first element to get out (LIFO).In a queue, elements are placed in line; the first to get into the queue is the first to get out (FIFO - first in, first out).A stack is also a structure to store pieces of data, or objects, but the last element to get in will be the first element to get out (LIFO).

What are the last two lines on the periodic table called?

They are called f-block elements. The first row elements are called lanthanides. The second row elements are called actinides.

How long does the head of the Norelco Reflex 7310XL last before it has to be replaced.?

It should probably last about a couple months.

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Last step of a reflex arc?

PNS delivers motor response from CNS to effectors...

What is the last brain region before the spinal cord?

cerebral cortex

What is the duration of spinal shock?

it may last several hours to 24 weeks.