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Q: What is the Importance of seed dispersal of seeds from the parent plant?
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What do we call the spreading out of the seeds from the parent plant?

Seed dispersal

What does seed dispersal mean for kids?

Seed dispersal is the movement or transport of seeds away from the parent plant.

What are the importance of dispersing seed?

the importance of seed dispersal is for the continuation of plant and species life

What do we call spreading out of seeds from the original plant?

The spreading out of seeds from the original plant is called dispersal.

What is the meaning of dispersal of seed?

Seeds disperse to avoid competing with their parent. An acorn seed sprouting underneath the canopy of its parent tree would be starved for sunlight and would most probably die. An acorn that was hidden by a blue jay under a rock in an open field (and then forgotten) would have an excellent chance of growing to maturity. (Providing something didn't come along and eat it.)

How seeds are moved away from the adult plant?

By dispersal of fruits and seeds of that plant

What is a flowers dispersal?

Seeds that grow too near to their parent plants, have to compete with the parent plants for food, light and space. Seeds therefore need to be spread away from the parent plant if they are to avoid this competition, and grow into well developed and healthy new plants.The spreading around of plant seeds is commonly referred to as dispersal.Modes of Seed Dispersal:There are a number of modes or ways by which seeds may be dispersed, these include:Wind dispersalWater dispersalAnimal dispersalMechanical dispersal

What is the disadvantage of seed dispersal by splitting?

Explosive splitting enables the seed to be dispersed only around the parent plant, and not as far as other methods of dispersal, such as animal dispersal, of which the seeds can be dispersed for as many as a few kilometers.

Why is seed dispersal important for the survival of plant species?

Seed dispersal helps to spread the seeds of a plant far away from the parent plant. This helps to avoid overcrowding. this also helps the baby plant to receive all nutrients it needs without fighting with the adult plants.

What do you call the spreading out of the seeds from the parent plant?

The spreading out of seeds from the parent plant is called seed dispersal. This process helps seeds reach new areas for germination and growth, increasing the plant's chances of survival and genetic diversity.

How is the fruit of saga dispersed?

Seed dispersal is the movement or transport of seeds away from the parent plant. Seeds can be dispersed away from the parent plant individually or collectively, as well as dispersed in both space and time. The patterns of seed dispersal are determined in large part by the dispersal mechanism and this has important implications for the demographic and genetic structure of plant populations, as well as migration patterns and species interactions. There are five main modes of seed dispersal: gravity, wind, ballistic, water and by animals.

What do you call the spreading out of seeds from a plant?

Seed dispersal