

What is the Latin word for number one?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What is the Latin word for number one?
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Even though the word "number" has no "o" in it, the abbreviation is No. because it is based on the Latin word numero (which is also Spanish for number).

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'In' is the Latin word for 'in', it is one of the cases where the word actually is Latin originally. For instance, 'in the city' is 'in urbe'.

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What is the latin for in?

'In' is the Latin word for 'in', it is one of the cases where the word actually is Latin originally. For instance, 'in the city' is 'in urbe'.

What is the latin word one?

One is unus (oo-nus) in Latin.

Why is the number 1 named one?

The word "one" comes to us from the Latin unus. It is related to the Dutch een and the German ein.

What is the Latin translation for the word to in Latin?

to as in toward something is "ad" two, as in the number is "duo"

Why does the 'Number' write as 'no'?

No. is derived from the Latin word numero.

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