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It's called Piñata

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Q: What is the Mexican Papier Mache Toy You Hit With a Stick?
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What is the name of a papier-mâché party decoration that is filled with sweets and hit with a stick?

It is a piñata.

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change dance to beaten or hit with a stick

When was Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick created?

Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick was created on 1978-11-23.

What 3 rules which apply to the stick in field hockey?

you must hit the the ball with the flat side of the stick. you must keep the bottom of the stick below knee level when tackling you have to hit the ball and not the opponents stick

What is a password for Hit Stick?

the answer is hit dick, hot fun these are codes

What is a bears penis called?

it is called a grizzly in....i got the grizzly stick...i know if i could hit once i could hit twice

What part of stick do you hit the puck with when passing to a teammate?

That part of the stick is called the "blade"

How do you stick check on lacrosse?

u usually take the stick/crosse, and hit ur opponent's glove or stick/crosse

Is it better to hit with your hands together on a lacrosse stick or with your shoulder in lacrosse?

It is better to hit with your hands together on your stick. When ever i hit with my shoulder people go flying, but it is easier to get called. so it is safer to hit with your hands.